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    直擊MWC丨傳音發(fā)布新款折疊機 realme展示240W快速充電技術(shù)

    2023年03月03日 16:46:21   來源:霞光社

      作者 | 李小天

      2023年世界移動通信大會(MWC 2023)開展第二天,各大中國廠商繼續(xù)向全世界展示中國在移動通信領(lǐng)域的創(chuàng)新與突破。

      首次參加MWC的傳音TECNO于2月28日推出了一款旗艦智能手機PHANTOM V Fold,標(biāo)志著該品牌進入可折疊設(shè)備市場的決心。這款手機通過最佳尺寸的旗艦雙屏和超清晰的五鏡頭攝影系統(tǒng),提供了身臨其境的視覺體驗,實現(xiàn)了無與倫比的圖像制作。

      傳音手機是非洲市場用戶最受歡迎的智能終端。據(jù)IDC數(shù)據(jù),傳音在非洲的市占率已達到50%以上,市場地位難以撼動。在展會現(xiàn)場,也有諸多來自非洲的消費者和經(jīng)銷商聚集在傳音展臺,了解和體驗PHANTOM V Fold的功能特點。



      市場研究機構(gòu)Strategy Analytics的一組研究數(shù)據(jù)證明了傳音控股的戰(zhàn)略前瞻性。2022年第三季度,傳音在中拉丁美洲和中東歐智能手機市場取得了巨大進展,首次躋身前5名。按國家來看,尼日利亞、印度和肯尼亞是2022年Q3傳音的前三大市場。

      realme真我在MWC 2023向全球市場推出了采用240W快速充電技術(shù)的realme GT3智能手機。

      240W的數(shù)字代表了當(dāng)今行業(yè)中快速充電技術(shù)的最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn),realme展示的也是全球范圍內(nèi)使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)USB Type-C接口的最快240W充電技術(shù)。



      目前,realme已進入全球61個市場,包括中國和東南亞、南亞、歐洲、中東、拉美和非洲,全球用戶超過1.4億。據(jù)市場研究咨詢公司Strategy Analytics統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)顯示,短短三年時間,realme就成為全球最快達到1億銷量里程碑的智能手機品牌。

      MWC 2023仍在繼續(xù),霞光社也將在現(xiàn)場持續(xù)為全球用戶帶來關(guān)于中國移動通信廠商的第一手資訊。


      MWC 2023: Tecno Releases Foldable Smartphone, Realme Demonstrates 240W Fast Charging Technology

      On the second day of MWC 2023, major Chinese tech manufacturers continued to showcase China's innovations and breakthroughs in mobile communication.


      Participating at MWC for the first time, Tecno launched its flagship Phantom V Fold smartphone on February 28, marking the brand's determination to enter the foldable device market. This smartphone delivers an immersive visual experience and unparalleled image production with its dual-screen and an ultra-clear 5-lens photography system.

      Tecno smartphones are the most popular personal devices in the African market. According to IDC data, Tecno has captured more than 50% of mobile market share in Africa. At the exhibition, many African consumers and traders gathered at the Tecno booth to experience the Phantom V Fold.

      A technology enthusiast from Nigeria noted that Tecno has a large market share in Nigeria, Kenya, and other African countries. Its stores can be seen everywhere in Nigeria. Tecno smartphones are creative in design and affordable.

      Staff members at the Tecno exhibition booth commented that the company focuses on emerging markets where phones with less advanced features still occupy a high market share and where the rate of market penetration of more advanced smartphones is relatively low. A certain proportion of the population in these areas has not yet even used smartphones.

      A set of research data from Strategy Analytics, a market research organization, confirmed Tecno's forward-looking strategy. In the third quarter of 2022, Tecno made strides in the smartphone market in Central Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe, ranking among the top five smartphone companies for the first time. Nigeria, India, and Kenya were the top three markets for Tecno in Q3 2022.


      At MWC 2023, realme introduced the GT3 smartphone with 240W fast charging technology.

      According to a technology reporter from Malaysia, realme ranks among the top three in smartphone market share in Malaysia and differentiates its brand through innovation. The GT3 series released at this exhibition can be charged from 1% to 20% in only 80 seconds.

      A consumer from India noted that realme is one of the fastest growing smartphone brands in the Indian market. realme ranks fourth by market share in India, after Samsung, Xiaomi, and vivo, and before OPPO, which holds fifth place. Chinese brands occupy almost 70% of the Indian smartphone market.

      Realme has presence in 61 global markets, including China, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, Middle East, Latin America, and Africa, with more than 140 million global users. In just three years, realme has become the fastest smartphone brand in the world to reach the milestone of 100 million sales, according to statistics from Strategy Analytics, a market research consultancy.






    敢闖技術(shù)無人區(qū) TCL實業(yè)斬獲多項AWE 2024艾普蘭獎

    近日,中國家電及消費電子博覽會(AWE 2024)隆重開幕。全球領(lǐng)先的智能終端企業(yè)TCL實業(yè)攜多款創(chuàng)新技術(shù)和新品亮相,以敢為精神勇闖技術(shù)無人區(qū),斬獲四項AWE 2024艾普蘭大獎。





    “純臻4K 視界煥新”——愛普生4K 3LCD 激光工程投影

    2024年3月12日,由愛普生舉辦的主題為“純臻4K 視界煥新”新品發(fā)布會在上海盛大舉行。


